as usual, this morning i went to course
in order to kill time, i decided to online first :P
time passed by. n suddenly i checked time on d screen
OMG! it's already 9.30! i gotta go now! class will start at 9.45!
but wait... is it start at 9.45 or 10.45???
i asked my lil sis, but she replied,"Man, it's you who take this course! why do u ask me?!"
afraid being late, i decided to go as fast as i can. great, i arrived there in time, exactly on 9.45!
when, i was going to open d door, i saw d familiar faces, but that's not my class! it's U6 students! however, i'm U8 students!
going to downstairs, i asked d staff there, "Hasn't d U6 finished yet?" "Not yet", replied him. "then, when will U8 class be started?" "at 10.45"
wrong schedule n i've to wait about 45 minutes!
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