using Google Chrome now! XD

hello, everyone!

it's Sunday! yippie..! finally it's holiday n so is it tomorrow! XD. tomorrow it's Ied Adha day. sooo... it means extra holiday!! hahahahaha XD

btw, i've just installed Google Chrome now =). i installed it coz something wrong with d mozilla in my computer. it can't open 3 tabs that contain many pics!! it's make me a bit stress. my brother that d mozilla isn't wrong but maybe my computer is -_-". huuufff.... yeah, maybe it is. coz i've installed mozilla twice, but d problem is still appeared. sooo, we decided to try Google Chrome! XD

before installing it, i worried that Google Chrome will be much different with mozilla firefox so i'll have to learn it from d start. but, hey! it's easy using!! how simple it is! =)


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