Gundam 00 Movie

i've just finished watching Gundam 00 2nd season! whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah....... that's cool! :D
yet, i was really surprised seeing this in d end of d last eps:


d movie will be next year! can't wait!!! Photobucket
anyone know about d details?

It isn't d End

yesterday, i read Chiken Soup for the College Soul Photobucket. i bought it on last Friday. i love read this book, yet this book is d first book i bought (i usually borrow these series, lol XD)

there's a story which is really like my experience. d title is "The Winner is...". the writer told that he/she always dreamed to study in his/her favorite college. yet, he/she couldn't. in d end, he/she studied in another college. however, he/she kept study hard, got good score, and worked a job he/she liked.

Evans, the writer, said on his story that he/she considered to transfer to another college which was better. yet, Evans didn't do it. he thought, if he transfered, he would leave his friends and lessons.

whoaah... Photobucket i've similar experience. i mean, now i studied not in college i dreamed several times :p. actually i like my college now. i get many good friends. i don't much problem in my study (for now :p). i take computer science now. however what i want study is environmental engineering. i consider to take college admission test next year. yet, when i read "The Winner is...", i'm not really sure what i wanna do. there's no prove i'll pass d test. there's no prove i'll get friends as good as i have now. there's no prove i'll enjoy my study in new course.

study in private isn't an end to get successful future. both my older siblings studied in private college, yet they r success. see? *sigh* what should i do? continue my study here or take d admission test next year? Photobucket

Beautiful Nite

last nite, a friend told me that there would be meteor shower on 2AM Oct 22nd,2009. what?! (O.o) meteor shower?! whoaaah... i have to see it! he told me that we could see it without obstacle. cool..Photobucket

so, i set my alarm on 1:45AM and hoped i would wake up. i woke up Photobucket and surprised that my lil sis didn't sleep (i told her about meteor shower, she was excited too Photobucket even didn't sleep at all! lol XD). so we went outside d house and hoped that d nightguard wouldn't pass our home. we didn't want him thinking that we are thiefes! Photobucket lmao what a stupid thinking :p it was around 2AM.

the sky was so clear. on the southeast we saw Orion constellation. then we saw some stars which look like moving fast. wow! is it shooting star? Photobucket we conlude yes, it is since we went out just to see that show: meteor shower

Earthquake Phobia

wew. there were many earthquakes happened in Indonesia lately. earthquakes happened in Tasikmalaya(Sept 2nd,2009), West Sumatra(Sept 30th,2009), and Ujung Kulon(Oct 16th,2009). errr.. it happened too in Sulawesi but i forget when it did.

from 3 earthquake i mentioned, just two i felt: in Tasikmalaya and in Ujung Kulon. well, i don't live in those center of earthquake, yet i could feel it from my house (i live in West Java). earthquake in Tasikmalaya is d hardest earthquake i've ever felt. i shocked even couldn't move my leg to go outside Photobucket. that 7.3 Ritcher scale earthquake was really awful. my friend who studied in Jatinagor (it's near from Tasikmalaya) was really scared if there would be tsunami. glad, it didn't happen.

earthquake in Ujung Kulon wasn't really hard in my home, yet i was more careful whether it would became harder n i was ready to go outside. lol XD my discrete math lecture said that it happened when she was in Binus University ('s where i study now). whoaah.. everybody was panic!Photobucket

really, those two earthquakes make me scared. yesterday, when i took laboratory asisten admission test, i felt a small earthquake Photobucket. it happened less than a minute n only three people felt it: me and friend who sat beside and in front of me. today, i dreamed about earthquake. what a nightmare! well, actually it happened when i took a nap :p. anyway, is it earthquake phobia's syndrom?

Batik Day

Batik is approved as Indonesian heritage by UNESCO today in Abu Dhabi. it's sure a great news! 100 Government decide that today is Batik Day. everybody wears batik. even people on tv wear batik too! lol XD glad finally i can see many people wear batik beside at school and wedding party! 117