Earthquake Phobia

wew. there were many earthquakes happened in Indonesia lately. earthquakes happened in Tasikmalaya(Sept 2nd,2009), West Sumatra(Sept 30th,2009), and Ujung Kulon(Oct 16th,2009). errr.. it happened too in Sulawesi but i forget when it did.

from 3 earthquake i mentioned, just two i felt: in Tasikmalaya and in Ujung Kulon. well, i don't live in those center of earthquake, yet i could feel it from my house (i live in West Java). earthquake in Tasikmalaya is d hardest earthquake i've ever felt. i shocked even couldn't move my leg to go outside Photobucket. that 7.3 Ritcher scale earthquake was really awful. my friend who studied in Jatinagor (it's near from Tasikmalaya) was really scared if there would be tsunami. glad, it didn't happen.

earthquake in Ujung Kulon wasn't really hard in my home, yet i was more careful whether it would became harder n i was ready to go outside. lol XD my discrete math lecture said that it happened when she was in Binus University ('s where i study now). whoaah.. everybody was panic!Photobucket

really, those two earthquakes make me scared. yesterday, when i took laboratory asisten admission test, i felt a small earthquake Photobucket. it happened less than a minute n only three people felt it: me and friend who sat beside and in front of me. today, i dreamed about earthquake. what a nightmare! well, actually it happened when i took a nap :p. anyway, is it earthquake phobia's syndrom?


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