bye, BME!


today, after lunch, i asked my bro about Electrical Engineering. he said that it's not really different with computer engineering. huuufff.... if what he said is true, i'm not really interested in electrical engineering, so seems like i won't take Biomedical Engineering (BME) as my major in college. in Indonesia, there isn't any BME major in college. so everyone who wishes study BME have to take electrical engineering. hmmm... maybe i've to say bye to my dream studying BME....

BME, i'm comiiiing..............!!! :P

hello! =D

fuuuh, finally today is weekend! i'm so happy!!! finally i can get holiday again, lol! XD.
although today i still get another try out at school -_-", i enjoy my day today =).

btw, today i search about Biomedical Engineering (BME) by google. it's very interesting. in BME, the students learn about medical devices etc. woooowww!! so cool!

i knew this major from my cousin in Germany. remember about my plan to study in Germany? well, seems like i can't do that =(. n the other bad news is that there's no BME major in Indonesia!! aaarggh....! X((
but there's also a good news :D. d Indonesian college students who want to learn BME in Indonesia, can learn it in Electrical Engineering. well, actually i'm not really interested in Electrical Engineering. but if i wanna take BME, i think i've to enter Electrical Engineering, do i?

well, i still look for information about BME, hope i can strength my will to take BME :D. if i can't, wish that i can find another majors coz i dunno what i should take beside BME =)

Life: Unspeakable Secret

In life we all have an unspeakable secret, an irreversible regret, an unreachable dream and an unforgettable love. ~Diego Marchi

taken from

today, one of my classmates died. he died on 4:00 am this morning in his sleep. four days ago, he got an motorbike accident. he broke his arms and legs. we knew about it Tuesday. he didn't usually attend class, so on Monday, we thought that he just skipped class. but when my classmate, Nanda, called him, he said that he got an accident. but today, this morning before class's started, we got the news that he died this morning. we were really shocked and terribly sad.

i wasn't close to him although he and i join the same Biology group. however, i was really sad too. less than 6 months, we will graduate from high school and start a new life: college and working life. i never imagine that one of my friends can't finish his school and start his new life! in religion lesson, we are always taught that we can die anytime, anywhere. i know it, but i don't take it seriously. i never thought that teens can die in their youth like my friend. i never think like that.

what happened today make me understand to use my time wisely. i can't regret it, so i have to spend my life as much as i can.

New Templates for My Blog! =D


i'm sooo happy!!! finally i can change my blog template!! 058
i love my new template! i find it in

sepotong percakapan di ruang BP

[sorry, it's in Indonesian not in English. right now, i wanna type in Indonesian :P]

dduh, gw bingung mo kuliah apa...
kira-kira 2 minggu yg lalu gitu, guru BK kls gw, manggil murid2ny ke BP
disana murid2ny ditanya2 ttg rencana kuliah. berikut percakapan gw ama guru BP gw:

guru: kamu mo kuliah dimana?
gw: g tw, bu
guru: emg kamu mo jurusan apa?
gw: g tw jg
guru: ehh, ko' g tw sih?
gw: yaah, saya bingung, bu!
guru: masa kamu sama sekali g tw sih?
gw: iya, bu! saya bingung! sebenerny siih, tertarik dikit ama biomedical engineering, tp blom ada di sini, bu.... *tp sedin n melas*
guru: lah, kamu tw biomedical engineering itu drmana?
gw: dr sodara. tp ya itu, musti di luar negeri
guru: oooh, gitu. trus, selain itu tertarik dimana lg?
gw: g tw, bu. yg biomedical itu aj saya jg g yakin2 amat
guru: kamu cari lg info2 yg lain yah! soalny sudah bentar lg itu UN ama SNMPTN!
gw: iya, bu!

tuuh, gw bener2 bingung mo ambil apaan! yg mslh biomedical engineering itu, lupain aj! coz gw cuman asal sebut doank! yaah, sebenerny sih tertarik dikit. tp g ada di sini, musti keluar negeri :(. jd lupain aj! lagipula ntu jurusan ada kimia-ny. males gw....

gw siih dulu pengen msk fk gitu, tp skrg dah g minat. coz lama belajarny!
cape' gw bljr lama2. tp nyokap gw blg, ambil aj fk! kata tante gw, yg dokter, ambil spesialis itu g lama. jd ambil dokter umum dulu. trus jd co-as (gmn y cara nulisny :P). nanti pas mo ambil speasialis gitu, qta tinggal nulis2 makalah gitu. yaah... lama2 jg kan??

teknik? well, kk' gw nak2 komputer. jd lumayan tw ttg komputer lah. tp males gw ngambil komputer2 jg.

gw suka bljr bahasa asing. kk' gw pernah nanya klo gw mo msk sastra apa ngga'. gw blg ngga mw! abis klo di jurusan sastra bljr puisi, drama de el el. males gw! gw minat bahasa asing cuman bwt komunikasi doank. g tertarik ama puisi, drama de el el.

bokap pernah blg ekonomi (yaah, walopun bokap bkn naq ekonomi siih). huuufff.... gw g minat jg ama ekonomi. bokap cerita, salah satu om gw, dulu ambil jurusan apa gitu (gw lupa) tp skrg dia kerja yg hubunganny ama ekonomi2 gitu. jd kaya'ny ekonomi itu cukup menjanjikan (kata bokap gw loh...). tetep aj gw g minat. klo dr dulu gw suka ekonomi, mending gw ambil jurusan IS (ilmu sosial) aj deh! gw usah gw susah2 ambil IA (ilmu alam).

ya ampun!! gw ambil jurusan apa dunksss??!!!!!

Bad Weekend


this weekend, i'll get another try out for preparing National Examination. i'll get d try out in three days: friday-sunday! OMG! it makes me sooooo dizzy. The Friday and Sunday try out is given by my course. n d Saturday try out is given by my school. pheeewwwwwwwwww......... it means that there's no holiday this week!!! NOOOOO..................!!!!!!!!!!!

Fullmetal Alchemist TV2 will be aired!!!!

hello, friends! XD

have you watched Full Metal Alchemist? it's aired in 2004. well, i haven't written the preview yet -_-", but that's not what i wanna write.

i just read an article. it said that there will be Fullmetal Alchemist TV2!!! YIPPIEEEE....!!! XD. from a group in imeem, Lucky Star Brigade, i know that it'll be aired on August 2009. but in, it said that Fullmetal Alchemist TV2 will be aired on April 2009. so i don't know what it'll be aired exactly.

i'm really happy to know that there will be the continuation of Full Metal Alchemist. but i hope Fullmetal Alchemist TV2 won't make the story boring. because i think the story of Full Metal Alchemist and Full Metal Alchemist movie: The Conqueror of Shambala are already cool. there's no need another story. but if there's Fullmetal Alchemist TV2, i'll be really glad to watch it. XD

UPDATE (Jan, 11th 2009):
Fullmetal Alchemist TV 2 will be aired in April 2009!!!! kyaaaaa.....!!! can't wait!!! 034

check the news in

Ouran High School Host Club

it's so long time not posting in anime label :). so i decide to write about one of my fav. anime:

Ouran High School Host Club!!! XDDDD


genre: comedy, romantic
episode: 26
studio: Bones
original run: April 4, 2006 – September 26, 2006

the Ouran High School Host Club's heroine is Fujioka Haruhi. she's a scholarship student in Ouran High School, which is a school for very rich people.

one day, she tries to find a quite place for study and end in unused Music Room. there, she meets six handsome students: Suoh Tamaki, Ootori Kyoya, Hitachiin Hikaru, Hitachiin Kaoru, Haninozuka Mitsukuni and Morinozuka Takashi. they are the members of Ouran High School Host Club. they spend their time to entertain the ouran's girls for profit. in that meeting, Haruhi do 'something' that force her to be Ouran Host Club's member and hide her true identity as a girl...

personal comment:
this anime has great artwork and the Ouran Host's members are so hot!!!! kyaaa.....!!!! beside these handsome boys, i like d story too! it's so funny! each of Ouran Host Club's members has their own unique personalities. And in d second of thirteen episodes, it tells about their past.
for everyone who look for funny and bishounen (=handsome boys) anime, watch Ouran High School Host Club!!! XD

What do u want to take?


"what do u want to take?" this question was asked at dinner today. my parents asked what major i want to take in college next year. n i just simply said, "i don't know."

i really don't know what i want to take. i'm not really good in any lesson, n don't have another interest beside anime. but if i take something related with animation, i totally can't draw! if i take medicine, i'm quite interested but medicine sure takes looooooong time studying!! and bout technic major, um.... not interested too. literature?? hmmmm.... learning new language is interesting for me, but i don't want to learn d literature! i'm not interested in poem etc.

then, my brother asked me what major which isn't in Indonesia. well, actually there are many majors that there's not in Indonesia, so if i wanna study it, i've to study abroad. but i don't know much about it.

i don't know what i want to take in college!! TToTT

My Sleeping Time

good morning, friends! :D

how r u?

i get headache and sore throat this morning. maybe it's because i'm too tired about school and d extra lesson -_-".
since i got d extra lesson, my sleeping time is changed! i always sleep earlier n of course, wake up earlier! waaaaaaaah....!!! so, i arrived from school about 6:00 PM. and after that i pray and clean myself. then, i go bed! without dinner! it's about 7:00 PM. and i wake up in 2:00-3:00 AM in d morning. OMG!! it's so quite in my house!

but there's a good point waking up so early. i can study alone without any noise. if i study at night as usual, sometimes i study n also talking with my siter. that's why i quite like waking up earlier :P.

hehehe, i think it's enough for today,
i'm gonna prepare for school today!
cya~~! \(^O^)/

I Love You, Bu Supri! XD

hello, friends! XD

waaaah, it's long time no new post here. sorry :). since this week, my friends and i get extra lesson (i mean, whole of d last year students) for preparing Ujian Nasional (=National Examination). we get it on Tuesday-Thursday. two lessons each day. phewwwww... it's so tiring! coz i arrive home about 6:oo PM, coz it ends on 5:30 PM

today, d lessons were Physics and Chemistry. Physics is okay for me, but d problem is chemistry. i don't understand it at all. and i don't like all d teachers who taught me in senior high school :(. well, i know that it's not good to like/don't like d lesson just because d teacher. but, all my chemistry teachers is soo boring. they just explain d lesson little bit. they thought that all students are clever (just because my school is d favorite school in my city)! huuufff.... and if d students ask d lesson to them, they just explain it little bit too!!!! aarrrggh!!! that's why i don't understand chemistry.

in extra lesson, d chemistry teacher supposed to be my current chemistry teacher at class. of course, all d students in my class protest about that!! if we are taught by him, we won't be able to do d chemistry questions in National Exam! we told about it to our homeroom teacher, Bu Betty (=Mrs.Betty)and our conselling teacher. and we get what we want!! horrraaaay....!!!! d chemistry teacher is changed for d extra lesson!!!!!! d new teacher is Bu Supri (=Mrs.Supri) :D

chemistry extra lesson started on 4:00 PM. but d teacher hadn't arrived yet until 4:30 PM. i told my friend who sit beside me, Mames, to go home at 5:00 PM if she didn't arrive. one of my classmates, Erika, said that she's a bit dissapointed coz d teacher hadn't arrived yet. she already studied chemistry n need more explaination from a good teacher (lol, but i think that's right :P). when my class chief, Dono, confirmed to d teachers room to ask where Bu Supri is, a teacher said Bu Supri is STILL on the way from Bandung! OMG! Bandung?! OTW? where is she now? in Tol Pasteur?? man, if yes, she'll arrive in one hour! n it's almost 5:00 PM! huffff... hearing that makes me to go home earlier. i don't care if she arrive n nobody at class. so i decided to wait for her until 5:00 PM. n guess what? she arrived at 5:55 PM! wow!!!!! glad seeing her so can study chemistry!! XDDDDDD

Bu Supri said that in Bandung it's raining, so she's trapped in d traffic. after that, she taught us d chemistry. well, actually she just explained about d 1st year lesson. but i think i'll understand her explaination when she teach d next lesson. hope i'll understand chemistry since now. i love u, Bu Supri!!! hahahahaha XDDDDDD

Moving to Blogspot

hello, everyone!!! :D

finally, i decide moving to Blogspot!!! hehehehe... XD
i moved all my old blog post from another blog host manually!!
phewwww.... although my posts r still few, but it's quite tiring! :D
well, hope i will keeping at writing my blog. nice to meet u guys!!! (^__^)

Try Out at School

hi, guys!

how r u this Saturday? me, i just arrived home from school. start this week, every saturday, all d 12th students in my school will get Try Out for preparing d Ujian Nasional (=National Examination). phewww..... i didn't prepared well, but didn't get too much trouble in math. but, for physics and chemistry: BIG TROUBLE. lol XD. seems like i'll get worse trouble if i don't study harder in these lessons :). d Indonesian n English is smooth, just a bit confused in English about d purpose of a text :P.

actually, today, i wanna go to cinema watching Quantum of Solace. but, too bad, i was late arriving at d cinema, so my friends, Putri and Niken, and i decided to watch it next week.

i don't know what i should do this saturday night, maybe i'll online n chatting with my friends XD

cya~~! =D

Wake Up Earlier! XD

good morning, everyone!

it's 5:14 AM now. u know, this morning i woke up at 4:30 AM. it was still dark, but i just thought that today it'll be cloudy or maybe raining. then i took a bath casually, without care that no one at my home already woke up! when i take a bath, i usually see d sky through d window. if i wake up at 5:00-5:30 AM, i'll see d sky with little bit of sun light. but today, i saw dark sky. still, i just thought that this morning was cloudy. but, when i've finished my bath n preparing for school, i looked at my clock, and surprised! it's still 5:00 AM!!! OMG!!! i woke up earlier!!!

Tas gw Robek!!!! (There's a Hole in My Bag!!!)

sorry, now i write this blog in Indonesian, coz i'm really angry now! i'll translate it next time! ;)

sebel bgt gw!!! masa tas gw robek! tw g knapa? tas gw DIGIGIT TIKUS!!!! hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii................ najong...!!!!! sebel bgt gw!
ternyata, kotak makan gw tuuh blom dikeluarin dari tas. kaya'ny sih tuh tikus tw! eeeh, tas gw malah digigitin ama dia!!
arrrgh....! tidak!!!!! itu tas baru gw beli taun ini!!!!!! 107

ok, here's d English vers :). i'm sorry if there's a bit different between d Indonesian n d English vers, because in Indonesian vers, i used informal language :P.
here's d english vers:

arrgh....!!!!! i'm really mad!! there's hole in my bags! u know why? that's because it's bitten by mouse!!!!! yuck!! X((. when i looked for d cause, it's because my lunch box!!! OMG!!! i forgot to put it out from my bag after arriving at home!! 010
n d worse is that i just bought that bag this year!!! NOOOO....!!!! 107

Can't Import Blog to Blogspot


actually, i decide to make a new blog in Blogspot. but too bad i can't import my blog here to Blogspot. i've downloaded my blog in xml format. but, when i wanna import it to Blogspot, it can't! it said that: there were problems importing the file. whew! what should i do????? @__@

well, i decided to move my post in Friendster blog to Blogspot manually TT.TT phewww.....

European Higher Education Fair Jakarta 2008

hello, everyone!

yesterday, i visited European Higher Education Fair (EHEF) in Jakarta. EHEF-Jakarta was held on November, 1st-2nd 2008 in Balai Kartini, Jakarta. there were so many visitors! in entrance gate, i got booklet (or catalogue) bout all universities which joined in this fair.

in EHEF-Jakarta, i got many information about study in Europe, especially in Germany, coz i’m interested study abroad there :P. but, it was a bit confusing me, coz i don’t know much bout education system there. i even confused about d difference between university n college, LOL XD.

the EU members that joined in EHEF-Jakarta were Germany, Netherlands, France, Hungary, Italy, Spain, Austria, Malta, Ireland, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Sweden and UK.

this EU funded project was a great choice if u want to study abroad in Europe n still find information about it. ah, n i also saw seminar about d education system in EU. so each d national representative gave presentation about their education system. beside that, u could ask directly to d universities’ representatives in their stands ^^.

i almost forgot, in EHEF-Jakarta, there was also Eramus Mundus stand. it’s a place to find scholarships in Europe. n i also visited DAAD stand. sooo if u r looking for German Education information, just go to DAAD! :D 

i think that in EHEF-Jakarta, many universities offered d international programs for master, but if u want to, u can ask about d international program for bachelor! ^^. most of d visitors (in my point of view) were people who wanted to continue their education for master. it was just few of senior high school students who are looking for bachelor information (like me ^^) there.

for me, EHEF-Jakarta 2008 was an interesting fair for me. why? because i met many foreigners there! i mean, i met foreigners beside in tourism area! hehehehe :P well, it just my personal experience XD. because there were many foreigners, i could exercised my listening n speaking skill there :P.

anyway, you who wish study abroad to Europe, don’t forget to visit European Higher Education Fair in your country! check d EHEF-Jakarta 2008 website:

cya~~! XD